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Lignocellulosic biomass is derived from processing different types of biomass and is termed as second-generation biofuel. Using conventional methods, Biofuels from vegetable oils and sugarcane can be derived and are termed the first generation of biofuels. Comparing the above Lignocellulosic biomass consisting of woody crops, waste from agriculture make it difficult to extract biofuels. Technological advancements in biofuels have been developed due to the limitations of first-generation biofuels. There is a limit to the quantity of biofuel production above which will affect food supplies and environmental biodiversity.

Aircraft use aviation biofuels and biodiesel are used in automobiles.  The aviation and automobile sector can diminish its carbon footprint by the utilization of biofuels. In July 2011, biofuels were accepted for commercial use, after a long technical feasibility analysis.

             After this, some airlines have used biofuels for commercial flights. The industry is now inclined to the use of sustainable energy biofuels which will not affect food supplies and will not interfere with prime agricultural land utilization.

The growth of renewable energy sources of biofuels, wind, and solar have shown significant growth in the past decade with expectation met. Their development in the power segment has outshined all other energy sources including fossil fuels. This inclination towards renewable energy will have a profound impact on the global energy transformation. 

 The factors of a reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly energy source is what will drive the demand from energy consumers. Each factor has its separate influence on the development of energy sources such as bioenergy. By the way of mutual reinforcing circles, it will increase the demand for biofuels. The adoption of new methods to produce bioenergy will decrease costs and increase the acceptance of biofuels.

With a compound annualized growth rate of 6.1% in the period 2018-25, the market for Biofuels and bioenergy is expected to grow in value to $1512.3 in 2025 from $928.0 billion in 2017. Natural sources of energy from the heat of the sun, the kinetic energy in tides and wind are converted to usable electricity. With an increase in the policy framework for the development and utilization of renewable energy such as biofuels, wind and solar this trend will incline more to renewable energy. China has already set in motion such policies by creating a law to develop renewable energy in the medium and long run.

Sustainable, Cost-effective and efficient are the factors that will be future of Biofuel and bioenergy. The ultimate aim of the power sector should be to give electricity to all consumers in a sustainable, cost-effective and reliable way. With vast systems of common heating from gas pipelines between neighboring countries, the power sector can be made robust from the fluctuations of fossil fuel energy, leading to new markets in the hinterland.

The efficient extraction of marketable by-products from biomass is Biorefining. Which means the production of relatively high-value chemicals for the pharmaceutical, polymer and chemical industries will reduce production costs of primary energy product especially when integrating the biorefining process to already existing production process of other industries. The establishment of biorefineries is a way forward towards creating a new market for bio-based products. The value chain derived from the raw biomass feedstock increases when the biorefineries produce multiple by-products.

The microscopic organism with unicellular structure from cyanobacteria to bladder kelp is termed as "algae".Similar to plants algae photosynthesis sunlight into energy. The varied diversity of algae gives the researcher the opportunity to study the properties to produce better algal biofuels.

Researchers believe that biofuels from algae have the potential to be superior to traditional bioenergy feedstocks. The key is to unlock the real-world application for the biofuels and bioenergy with the promise of cost-effective and sustainable algal biofuels.

The primary reason for inclination towards biofuels is to counter the effect of greenhouse gases and reduce climate change caused by fossil fuel emissions. There may be an increase in greenhouse gases by the utilization of agricultural land due to increased biofuel production. There will be a profound impact due to carbon emission by the conversion of forest land for growing biofuel feedstock. Biofuels will also impact environmental biodiversity and water resources. 

The natural process with very little environmental impact such as anaerobic digestion, wind power, biomass power, solar power, and power from a geothermal source is called green energy

The funding of green energy through suppliers and the extension of quantities of green energy by customers through the power corporations leads to a green economy. An economy in line with the United Nations which aims at negating environmental impact and ecological detriment is called a green economy. It is closely connected with ecological economic science, however, it contains a lot of politically applied focus. Greenhouse emissions are the direct cause of human intervention which causes global warming and climate change.

World meeting on Biofuels and Bioenergy will be a distinctive stage for the conversion of potential ideas to business opportunities. This meeting will create the opportunity to network with global entrepreneurs and investors in the field of Biofuelsbioenergy, renewable energies, and other allied sciences. This networking event will facilitate viable business and its leadership to engage in a productive discussion to evaluate the execution of a promising business.

Biomass feedstocks are organic materials that require processing to produce biofuels and bioproducts which required as energy, industrial raw materials, and food. To consider bioenergy viable, a complete process overview should be taken, which will include feedstock materials, supply management, production and conversion mechanisms, and energy infrastructure. To have a positive impact of affordable, eco-friendly and less detriment to society, the supply chain must be optimized keeping in mind process conditions. Feedstock harvesting, Storage and transport must be supported by suitable supply chains and operational expertise.

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